One of the youngest in our team is Daniel Goshev. He always means business and shows professionalism at work. Working with him goes smoothly with pleasure and lots of jokes.

Daniel joined our team when he graduated in the 7th edition of "Programming 101 with Python" course. Now he's the most passionate developer in the team about FrontEnd development and he's always coming up with some useful ideas.
Read more about Daniel in the interview below:
Can you tell us more about yourself?
My name is Daniel Goshev. I've been working as a web developer using JavaScript(React) & Python(Django) for more than 3 years. I am at HackSoft because I find it to be a fantastic place to work & grow as a software developer and person.
What are your favorite technologies, and why?
My favorite technology is probably React. I like the mindset I've built since I've begun using it - dividing everything into small components and building something significant with them. It reminds me of LEGO.
What's the motto that motivates you?
"Бачкай" which, according to some website, is translated as "keep one's nose to the grindstone" - I have it as a wallpaper on my phone.
Can you recommend a source that might be useful to other software developers?
CSSTricks is my go-to website when I want to learn something new. Every single day there's something new about CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and everything else related to web design and web development.
What helped you become a better software developer?
Probably that I've adopted minimalism in the last years. It helps me stay focused on what I am trying to achieve, minimizing any forms of distractions that could come around.
Can you recommend any technology or tool that you find useful at work and might help other developers too?
Emacs, although it's probably not for everyone. I find it to be quite a good text editor.
If you're using React and you're tired of the awful loaders that you can usually spot - React Loading Skeleton is a great package to help you build a skeleton loading page.
What's the most important piece of advice you would like to pass to the junior developers?
Even when you feel like you know nothing or that you should quit - you shouldn't. Everything takes time, effort and persistence. Also, don't think that your path should follow everybody else's. Create your own path.