For the first time, HackSoft has provided an opportunity for 11th-grade students at Technological School "Electronic Systems" (ELSYS, a.k.a. TUES) to experience a real working environment.
Between the 1st and 15th of July, Alexander Stoichkov joined us for his summer internship. We know Alexander from the HackBulgaria's "Programming 101 with Python" course, which he had completed in 2019.

During the internship, he was working full-time, guided by a mentor (our Radoslav Georgiev), entirely remotely. What did he get up to?
Alexander worked on our existing open-source projects. He implemented new features and a lot of tests using his Python and Django skills.
The projects
Simple Schema Validator- a pretty simple utility that validates if an object has a particular structure. We use it in some of our projects.
Alexander released a new version 0.0.9, including some new features, and migrated the continuous integration from CodeShip to GitHub Actions.
Django Styleguide Example- the project serves as an example of our style guide. The structure is inspired by cookiecutter-django and modified based on our experience with Django.
Alex wrote tests for the part of the project responsible for showing specific mistakes. For the first time, he worked with PostgreSQL.
The stats
For only two weeks, Alex contributed to 2 projects and 5 GitHub repositories. Eight merge requests were made, 1530+ lines of code, and 70+ tests were written.
We can't wait to meet the next bright and talented student next year. Until then, we are happy to have Alexander as a full-time intern at HackSoft. 🎉 Welcome on board!